Friday, September 26, 2008

Casitas Municipal Water District v. U.S.

Sep 25: In the U.S. Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit, Case No. 07-5153. Casitas Municipal Water District (Casitas) appealed the judgment of the United States Court of Federal Claims granting summary judgment in favor of the government holding that there was no governmental breach of contract and no compensable taking under the Fifth Amendment. The Appeals Court affirmed-in-part, reversed-in-part, and remand the case.

In its opinion summary the Appeals Court said, "In sum, governmental deprivation of some water use rights absent the government’s active or appropriative hand in diverting water for its own or a third party’s consumptive or proprietary use does not amount to a physical taking. The only case holding to the contrary is Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District v. United States, 49 Fed. Cl. 313 (2001), which its author expressly disclaimed in the present case in light of the intervening Tahoe-Sierra case. Casitas Mun. Water Dist. v. U.S., 76 Fed. Cl. 100, 106 (2007) ('Tahoe-Sierra . . . compels us to respect the distinction between a government takeover of property (either by physical invasion or by directing the property’s use to its own needs) and government restraints on an owner’s use of that property.'). Casitas has been restrained from making full use of its California water license under certain circumstances related to the endangerment of the steelhead trout. When the government requires a usufructuary holder of water rights to allow a specified amount of dam-diverted water to circle back to its natural flow by way of a fish ladder for the purpose of endangered species preservation, a classic regulatory restriction on private property rights to prevent a public harm has occurred. It is logically incongruent to analyze ESA-based land use restrictions as regulatory takings, and ESA-based water use restrictions as physical takings. The government is not appropriating or taking possession of Casitas’ property, but rather is prohibiting Casitas from making private use of a certain amount of the river’s natural flow under a public program to promote the common good. Labeling such an action a physical taking blurs the line Tahoe-Sierra carefully draws between physical and regulatory takings.

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