Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Ark Initiative v. Thomas Tidwell
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Recent Supreme & COA Court Cases
<> American Lung Association v. EME Homer City Generation - 4/29/14. In the
<> Shell Oil Company v. US – 4/28/14. In the
<> Bayless v. United States - 4/28/14. In the
Monday, April 28, 2014
Exxon Mobil Corporation, et al v. City of New York, New York, et al
Monday, April 21, 2014
White House News
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Thursday, April 17, 2014
NRDC v. Jewell
<> NRDC v. Jewell - 4/16/14. In the U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit, Case No. 09-17661 involving multiple parties. The en banc decision addresses the Endangered Species Act (ESA) requirement that federal agencies must consult with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Marine Fisheries Service (Service) prior to taking any agency action that could affect an endangered or threatened species or its critical habitat. The Panel says: "We reaffirm that Section 7(a)(2) requires such consultation, so long as the agency has 'some discretion' to take action for the benefit of a protected species." Reverse and remand.
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
White Stallion Energy Center v. U.S. EPA
<> White Stallion Energy Center v. U.S. EPA - 4/15/14: In the U.S. Court of Appeals, D.C. Circuit, Case No. 12-1100, consolidated with over two dozen cases. The split Panel denied the challenges to EPA's emission standards for mercury and a number of listed hazardous air pollutants emitted by coal- and oil-fired electric utility steam generating units.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Communities for a Better Environment v. U.S. EPA
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Huron Mountain Club v. Army Corps of Engineers, et al
<> Supreme Court: U.S. Supreme Court Rejects U.P. Eagle Mine Appeal - The High Court declined to hear the case of Huron Mountain Club v. Army Corps of Engineers, et al, without comment letting stand the 6th Circuit decision